Auditions / Filmings

Please contact the office if you are needing to book a studio for an audition or filming so we can best accommodate your needs!
Evolution Studios Audition Policy
Evolution Studios can accommodate smaller “open call” auditions with the following requirements:
If you are planning on having more than 20 people at a time, you must rent a holding room large enough to accommodate all your auditionees. Due to fire codes, we cannot have people filling up the lounge or hallways. All auditionees need to be inside a studio.
All auditionees must be told in advance to park on the street. We need to keep our parking lot open for those that are running the audition and our other paying clients.
You must have enough staff at your audition to handle registrations and crowd control.
Evolution reserves the right to shut down an audition
if these policies are not followed.
Filming Rates
Standard filming fees are "double" the regular hourly studio rates.
Studio A = $85 per hour (reg rate)
Filming rate = $170 per hour
Studio A = $170p/h, Studios B1/B2 = $120p/h, Studio C = $90p/h, Studios D1/D2 = $60p/h
Renting out the lounge or patio = $120 per hour
Renting out a private dressing room = $60 per hour
Renting out the entire building = $700 per hour
Discounted Filming Rates
For small student film projects or for personal filming use (audition tape, rehearsal practice), rates are our standard hourly rate.
Please contact the office to discuss your project to see if it falls under our standard or
discounted rate.
Please review our studio policies before booking.